I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Revelation 21:6
Alpha Omega Church
Alpha Omega Church is established in May 31st 2019 when Holy Spirit led Dr. Javed to start the church, it was an encounter with Holy Spirit when Dr. Javed Rauf was praying and he heard the voice for AOC and plan was given for formation of leaders and church administration.
The name was given by Holy Spirit. Revelation 22:13
Later Christ Centered doctrine was adopted by AOC.
Preaching on Media
Alpha Omega Church vision is to reach people through television and social media. Jesus Christ television has been reaching millions of people as satellite television, its a great blessing for AOC that church has its own satellite channel.
JCTV can be watched on Asia Sat 7 C band and live on You tube As JCTVPAK and live stream on www.jctv.org.pk/watchlive
Church Beyond Boundries
Christ Club
64% population of Pakistan is below age 30%. AOC has special program for reaching 64% of pakistan.In our leadership 4 of dedicate youth pastors are spreading the gospel
Jesus said go to the nations and we took this as our mission statement our church is more into out-Reach.We are reaching the un-reached areas of Pakistan